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제목 Donald Trump, too, seems to be frustrated
작성자 Donald (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-06 03:25:05
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
평점 0점
In October, police lodged a criminal case against "unknown persons" and began looking for the newborn's parents. They said they believed her parents were complicit in her burial, because even after the case was widely Talks with Donald Trump have not gone to plan. Strict economic sanctions remain in place and it appears Washington is not going to budge despite Pyongyang's insistence that they come up with another deal to resolve the nuclear issue by the end of the year. Donald Trump, too, seems to be frustrated. He has once again hinted at the possibility of military action against North Korea if necessary, despite highlighting his "good relationship" with the North Korean leader. These next few weeks may be critical for US-North Korean diplomacy. "I think we're seeing the start of what could be a return to a very familiar crisis in 2020," Ankit Panda, North Korea expert at the Federation of American Scientists, told the BBC.
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